“The 5S’s @ Boeing” provides an overview of the principles of 5S and
demonstrates that dramatic improvements in efficiency can be achieved
in the workplace organized by this principle. “5S: What’s Next?” expands on
the first title by examining ‘levels of excellence’ experienced by groups
that work toward having a self-sustaining and constantly process-improving
work environment.
The levels of excellence commonly experienced are:
1. Business as usual or “it’s always been done that way” (prior to initiating program)
2. Understanding the principles of 5S (program initiated)
3. Efficient work environment
4. Processes are documented and process improvement is introduced
5. The area is documented and well organized; quality, efficiency, and safety are at their best; process improvement is continuous and the 5S achievements are sustainable.
Each element of 5S - Sorting, Simplifying, Sweeping, Standardizing, and Self-discipline – is also discussed in further detail and in relation to the five levels of excellence. The program provides a clear understanding of how a fully implemented 5S program develops and is maintained into the future. Appropriate for any work environment whether factory, office or laboratory.
The full length digital video of "5S’s: Whats Next?" will be provided to you unless a DVD has been ordered.
Total Running Time - 21:18