Delivery of First B-52 with CONECT Upgrade
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B-1B Takeoff from Tinker AFB
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JC-121K Warning Star, Early Warning Radar Surveillance Aircraft
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The Final B-24 Liberator Modified at Douglas-Tulsa, the Tulsa Joe
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C-17 Globemaster III Flight Simulator
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C-17 Globemaster III Flight Simulator
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Thor ICBMs Under Modification for Export
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A-20 Havoc Production at Air Force Plant #3 in Tulsa, Oklahoma
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WASPs Stand with an A-24 on the Douglas-Tulsa Ramp
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RB-66 and B-47 Production Lines at Douglas-Tulsa
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RB-66 on the Douglas-Tulsa Ramp
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Saturn V Assembly Area at North American Rockwell's Tulsa Division
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Four EC-135Ns on the North American Rockwell Ramp at Tulsa
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Delta Rocket Third Stage
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A-24s Lined Up Outside Air Force Plant 3
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Mechanics Work on the Tail Gun and Nose Gun Turrets of Adjacent B-24s
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EC-121 Early Warning Radar Surveillance Aircraft
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AV-8B Weapons Pylon, Built at McDonnel Douglas-Tulsa
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AV-8B Harrier II Expendable Fuel Tank
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B-24 Liberator is Prepped for Painting at Douglas-Tulsa Plant
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Boeing B-47 Stratojets Await Modification at Douglas-Tulsa
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F-15 Fuel Tank Assembly
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C-17 Globemaster III Flight Simulator
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Final B-24 Assembled at Douglas-Tulsa, the Tulsamerican
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EC-135N Apollo Range Instrumented Aircraft (A/RIA) in Flight
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